公司于2002年通过ISO9001国际质量体系认证和ISO14001国际环境管理体系认证、ISO18001职业健康安全 管理体系认证,产品列入“政府绿色采购清单”。防火涂料产品于2003年通过公安部消防产品 合格评定中心的产品 型式认证,2015年率先通过消防3C认证。 公司高度注重产品创新和产品质量,以质量求生存,以创新求发展,公司联合西北工业大学、济南大学、青岛科技 大学、青岛海洋化工研究院等机构成立了山东省水性特种涂料工程技术研究中心,进 行防火涂料、防腐涂料、 水性工业涂料等产品的研究和应用服务中国涂料在线。
Our company covers an area of 166800 square meters, has 386 employees. Has the automatic production line that could produce emulsion resin 20000T, building coating 30000T, fire-retardant coating 30000T and Water-borne polyurethane 5000T every year. We also have provincial engineering research center that composed by PHD supervisor who studied in the United States, doctor who studied in Canada, domestic famous universities and research institutions.
Our products widely used in SHENHUA NINGXIA COAL INDUSTUY GROUP, HNEC, Dalian Wanda Group, CNHTC, Wanhua Chemical Group and so on, and also export to many countries of Europe, East Asia, South America, Southeast Asia, Middle East, Africa.